Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself..

I'm the absolute worst at this consistent blogger thing. Between starting my doctoral program, working, and trying to maintain some level of fun-this blog kinda took a backseat. As did my eating healthy and working out on a regular basis. In mid-October, I was down 65 pounds from January! Starting December, I had gained about 15lbs of that back. I could blame school or work or the fact that I live in a town with some of the most amazing restaurants I've ever been to. But really, it's because I got a little lazy. I slipped back into some old habits and could feel my body getting sluggish and missing how good I had been to it earlier this year.

Enter my girl Autumn Calabrese. You may have heard of her, you may have not. She is a Beachbody celebrity trainer (and former EQX trainer....gotta keep it in the family!) who created 21 Day Fix. I credit her for about 80% of my success on this journey. When people ask me how I've lost the weight, 21 Day Fix is what I tell them. Yes, I did work out with an amazing trainer and still take group fitness classes along with Autumn's workouts, but I wholeheartedly believe, and she taught me this, you can't out-work out a bad diet. For me, what works is following the 21DF meal plan based on clean eating and a lot of really wonderful foods.

So, on Monday, I re-committed to this whole "be good to yourself" thing. I have about 40 more pounds to say goodbye to and needed a way to get there that I know works. Autumn started a challenge group to complete all 4 of her Beachbody programs (21DF, Chisel, 21DF Extreme, and Country Heat) all in a row. Every day for the next 3 and a half months, I'll carve out 30-40 minutes of my day to do the daily workout. I'll eat the meals that I plan and prep. I have spreadsheets and a new planner just for planning my food and workouts (I know, I'm weird). I have 28,000 (yup!!!!!) other people motivating me on Facebook as we go through this journey together. So, if you see me at work measuring out my food in these crazy, little containers or limping down the hallway because #LegDay,  it's all good. I have found such happiness and confidence in building the best version of myself. There is nothing better than pushing yourself and seeing what you are capable of.

If you are reading this and you want to know more about 21 Day Fix or meal planning, please let me know. I'd love to help any way I can :)

Here are some dope recipes I've made this week:

21 DF Beef and Broccoli (I added half a red onion to this, left out a cup of peas, and no's so good)
21 DF Cheeseburger Skillet (This is AMAZING and SO easy...I added some diced bell peppers for more vegetables)
Bananas Foster Overnight Oats (My go-to workday breakfast....prep a few, keep them in the fridge, grab one and roll on out the door)

Sending you lots of love and thank you for all the support,


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