Monday, May 28, 2018

Oh, Hello Again!

It's like I forget I have a blog and then once a year, remember to do something with it! Well, I did some yoga tonight while my fiance watched the Rockets game in the same room (it was as #zen as possible...he is a vocal sports fan) and thought about why I started this thing in the first place a few years ago. It comes down to three reasons:

1. I like to write. Writing is how I have always worked through all my emotions; my songbook that I started in the tenth grade has made it through 8 moves with me! I am the nerd that would prefer to write a paper than take a test any day.

2. I am, and will probably always be, on an ongoing journey towards better health. The name of this blog (and my Instagram!) Skinnyish Shan is sort of tongue-in-cheek though. I don't want to be skinny (not that there is anything wrong with that; it just a'int how this body was made to be!) I want to be healthy and functioning at my optimal level. It's hard work, but I know how it is worth it.

3. I've had a lot of people reach out to me whenever I've been public about my experience with weight/eating/exercising. I am by no means an expert, and I'll never pretend to be. I, however, have lost 50lbs (twice) on my own with clean eating and exercising and am an (almost) doctorally-prepared nurse. I can read through the research, know which statistics and data are real and which are not, and help people make educated decisions because that's what I've trained to do.

I never want to be be preachy, I never want to be pushy, I never want to be a bully. My hope is that by being vulnerable and open about my experiences, I can help someone who is in the same boat. I don't believe in quick fixes and I don't believe in unhealthy and unsustainable programs that promise you'll lose 30lbs in two weeks. I believe in nutrition and exercise science. I believe that working hard and treating your body well is the best gift you can give yourself.

I'm starting another round of "80 Day Obsession" on June 4th. I'll post some more about it this week and I'm so excited to share this part of my experience with anyone who is interested.

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