Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Putting the "Die" in "Diet"

First, carbs were the devil. Then it was sugar. Then it was meat so full of antibiotics that you'd think it had a UTI. And we all heard about MSG. And then GMO's. And maybe LMNOP's, IDK. Literally millions and millions of dollars are spent every year on fad diets. Here, chug this lemon juice and cayenne pepper and you'll lose 10lbs in three days and basically sweat glitter. 

Weight is something I've struggled with my entire (almost) 26 years. I don't ever remember a time when I was happy with how I looked in a bathing suit or that I didn't feel guilty for eating a huge baked potato with sour cream and REAL bacon (get them Bacon Bits outta my face). I would try out some of the crash diets, and they'd work for a week or two, then I'd mess up and be right back where I started, except I felt worse. I remember being 16 years old and doing the "South Beach" diet. Now, I'm not knocking the SBD, but no 16 year old girl should force herself to eat celery and those low-cal cheese spread things every day for almost two weeks. I lost something like fifteen lbs in fourteen days. Now, I'm not a psychiatrist or nutritionist or therapist, and while that isn't classified as an "eating disorder", it sure as hell was some disordered eating. I learned to have a love/hate relationship with food. And looking back on that, it makes me pretty sad.

Why? BECAUSE FOOD IS THE GREATEST, YA PUNK. I'm not talking a bag of potato chips and some sugary candy; I'm talking real, beautiful, food-magazine-worthy food. (Real talk:While my selfie game is strong, my food styling skills aren't, so y'all don't judge me). Crispy, roasted vegetables are bae. Fresh watermelon in the summer is too legit. Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring, processed meals or frozen food. It doesn't have to cost you $200 a week. It can be you, pretending to be on "Chopped" and prepping some fine-ass bell peppers to stuff with ground turkey and fresh mozzarella while dancing around your kitchen to the soundtrack to "Rent" (just me?).

So, forget the word "diet". It's dumb. It's unrealistic. It sets you up for feeling like you're in a food prison where the only thing you can eat is baked chicken and steamed broccoli (just roast the broccoli with a little olive oil, garlic powder, salt n' peppa). You aren't going to see "diet posts" from me. I'mma hit you with some sweet recipes that are good and good for you, ya dig?

I'll post one later this afternoon.  Stay tuned. Also, I swear all these posts aren't going to be novels. I'm just giving you some backstory. Everyone loves a good plot. I think. Hush.


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