Monday, January 18, 2016

Broke and (Some Would Say) Bougie

Why, hello there. Nice to see you. Thanks for stopping by.

Enough pleasantries. I reallllllllly wish I didn't have to be writing this. I want to be eating sushi at one of Houston's best restaurants after a day that started with a nice massage and was followed by a small spree at my favorite Galleria stores. Sadly, my imagination is just too damn good and my bank account is just too damn low. And I'll be real real with y'all, that lifestyle is not too spectacular for getting that Beyonce body either. Who wants to work out when you live in Houston and you could eat 100 tacos and drink some fly margaritas instead????

I'll try to not get too dramatic. I know that this may sound whiney and spoiled, but please know that this is not my intention nor attitude about this at all. You best believe that I wake up every day so incredibly thankful for the life I've been given and the opportunities I've had. My family is the bomb, my friends make me laugh every single day, and I'm lucky enough to work for two amazing companies that motivate me like crazy. But, being a new nurse doesn't exactly equate to having dolla dolla bills to drop at Sephora or Dior. Especially when the word "budget" makes me mildly to moderately nauseous.

But I'm trying. Really trying. I'm starting to cook more. This means I'll save money and eat better. Win-win. I'm paying off my credit card bills. I am looking in my closet more and finding pieces that I had completely forgotten about (seriously, still got the tags on 'em). I'm getting ready to start my doctorate degree in the Fall and think it would be kinda cool to not have to worry about whether I can, you know, afford toilet paper. And y'all, I'll budget and all that but I will NEVER skimp on good TP.

So, this blog is to share the trials and tribulations of staying on track, financially and physically. Getting healthy. Setting myself up for a better future. This is starting to sound like a Lifetime movie. I'll share recipes I've found (and made Pinterest fails, promise. Unless I blow something up, because lolz), sales and deals on all my favorite brands, and things I learn along the way about becoming a really good version of me. We'll laugh, I'll probably cry (but not until 48 hours after I get my eyelash extensions replaced,ya feel me?), and we'll just see how it goes.

Let's do this thang,


ps- "Champagne and Water" comes from my mother, the one and only Shar Shar. She once told me that I have "champagne taste on a water budget....not even beer!" She gets me.

1 comment:

  1. Eyelash extensions and budget in the same post ... dying over here lol
