Wednesday, February 24, 2016


So, I'm 26 today. Most days I still feel 17 and when I look around at my life, I can't believe this is real. Do I really get to help babies be born? Am I old enough for that? Did I really get to spend 5 years at my dream school in my dream city? Did I really move somewhere I knew 3 people and make it into my home? This is real. And it's messy and it's complicated and it's crazy and it sometimes looks like you doing sake bombs with your best friends on a Wednesday night. And it's really beautiful. This is going to be sappy as hell. Here are 26 things I'm thankful for:

1. My parents and my sister. All the best parts of me are because of you three. I see a lot of families that don't get along or don't talk and every time, I thank God for mine. When we are together, it's the best thing in the world and I wouldn't trade it for anything. The fact that I can leave Georgia and do my own thing is because of you guys. Being independent comes from having the best people to depend on.

2. This calling. Being a midwife and working in the world of babies isn't something you stumble into. I think it was what I was made to do. To be with women in the moment that they become mamas....I wish I had the right words to explain what it has done to my heart.

3. Nashville, Tennessee. I may have been raised in Georgia, but I grew up in Tennessee. Being away from home was hard, but man, if you have to do it, go to Nashville. Whenever I daydream about the future, it's me living in Nash with all my friends, waking up and going to teach at Vandy. I can't wait to go home.

4. Friends. How lucky am I to have made such amazing friends over the last 26 years. I have so many people that know me so well and the comfort that brings is invaluable.

5. Co-Workers. Nobody else gets what we do. Nobody else can experience the highs and the lows and be there through it with you. The memories we've made together are ones that'll stay with me forever and ones that I hope to pass onto my students one day.

6. Music. All of it. All the time. Always.

7. Cooking dinner with friends. I love making a meal with people I love.

8. That I didn't grow up in the social media era. I'm far too sensitive for that mess.

9. Living alone. I've learned a lot. And I've learned to clean up my own messes.

10. Not being born skinny (but I was 7lbs 11oz, so I was definitely AGA...nurse humor. lolz). The fact that being healthy and feeling my best is something that I've had to work hard for has taught me so much about strength and confidence. I don't think I'd do it differently.

11. Along those lines, having my heart broken. When I meet Mr. Shannon, I'll be so thankful and dedicated and ready because I've seen pretty much the worst of relationships and survived it. Not gracefully, but I'm here.

12. Days when all I have to do is stay in bed and read a book.

13. Farmer's Markets and how amazing fresh food tastes.

14. Tequila. It makes me sassy and I don't care who knows it.

15.  Fall. It's my favorite time of year and I miss seeing leaves change.

16. Getting to go to the beach on a regular basis. Even Especially if it's Galvy.

17. My record player. It's my favorite thing I own (thanks, Grandma and Grandpa) and I tell anyone that comes to my apartment about it.

18. That I was born in February. I think it suites me.

19. Long drives where I can blast the radio and roll the windows down.

20. Hot showers.

21. Baked potatoes from Houston's.

22. Lonnie's Western Room.

23. Concerts where I know all the songs.

24. Storms.

25. The fact that neither of my jobs require me to wear pants with buttons.

26. Houston, Texas.  I will look back at the years I have spent here and know that this is the place where everything changed.

Thank you for the love and birthday wishes. I'll post some dope recipes this week.



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