Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Healthy Pad Thai

I have a small to moderately-sized obsession with chicken Pad Thai. One time, I ordered it from Noodles and Company and they gave me shrimp and I cried. I think it was also during finals in midwifery school, so trust me, that was a normal emotional response.

Anyways, I try to follow a low(er) carb diet. I am fine with gluten and all that, but I have found that eating lots of carbs (like pastas or bread) makes me tired and sluggish. I still eat fruit, I still eat whole-grain, sprouted toast (Ezekial bread 4 lyfe), but overall, I try to minimize carbz. So, a sad absence from my beloved Pad Thai was noted.

UNTIL I FOUND THIS RECIPE!!!!!! Zoooooooodles are my new fave. I've had a spiralizer for a year or so and never used it. Well, I finally did and I'm so happy, but be careful because that sucker is SHARP. This zoodle Pad Thai is SO good and full of flavor that I don't even miss the noodles.  Note that it doesn't have bean sprouts or egg, which are pretty traditional in Pad Thai. So, maybe this isn't technically Pad Thai. I'm not an expert, homies, I just like good food.

Healthy Thai Peanut Chicken and Zucchini Noodles

1 garlic clove, minced
 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, minced 
4 tablespoons of peanut butter 
1 lime, zested and juiced 
2 tablespoons soy sauce (low sodium! I used 1 tbsp of coconut aminos and 1 of low sodium soy sauce)
¼ teaspoon of red pepper flakes 
2 tablespoons of canola oil (I used EVOO here and it was just fine) 
2 cups chicken breast, cooked and shredded 
3 zucchini, spiral sliced 
2 large carrots, spiral sliced 
1 red pepper, spiral sliced 
⅓ cup of fresh cilantro, chopped
 ¼ cup of green onions, diced 
chopped unsalted roasted peanuts and lime wedges, optional as a garnish

What to Do:
1. Add the garlic, ginger, peanut butter, lime juice and zest, soy sauce and red pepper flakes to a small bowl and mix together. 
2. To a large frying pan, add your oil on high heat. 
3. Add the zucchini, carrots and bell peppers to the pan and cook until just wilted, 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. 
4. Add in the chicken, sauce, cilantro and green onions and toss together until all warmed through. 
5. Garnish with sesame seeds and wedges of lime if desired.

*According to the recipe, it serves 6. I think 4 and that's with relatively small portions, but maybe this lady isn't as hungry as me? Idk. Also, I'm gonna try this with powdered PB next time to cut down on some of the fat, but seriously, this is signif better for you than takeout. Eat it, love it, don't cry when your takeout order is wrong.


Thursday, December 15, 2016


I have a little time off before I start my new job, so I took the morning off today from studying/paper-writing/discussion-board-stalking to have a cup of coffee and watch something on Netflix. I watch a lot of cooking competition shows (I promise no one shouts at the screen like I do when I watch "Chopped"), so a lot of my recommended programs are food-based. The documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" came up. I've heard about it in the past and thought "Eh, why not?"

It follows the journey of one man who uses juicing to change his life and essentially cure himself of a rare autoimmune disorder he had previously been taking steroids to control. He juices for 60 days, traveling across America and meeting real people and talking about people's relationship with food in this country. He meets a truck driver in Arizona named Phil who later reaches out to him for help. Phil juices, adopts a new lifestyle, and loses a lot of weight. Phil had some ups and downs after the film came out, which you can read about right here.

That article made me cry in my kitchen as I diced some butternut squash. Big tears so, no worries, I put down the large chef knife because I like my hands the way they are. No, I'm not a 400lb man who drives trucks, but what he said resonated so deeply with me that I have to get this out. If you don't want to read some #deeptalk, no worries. I'll post some yum recipes later this week when I'm avoiding homework again. If you want to get real, read on.

Some of you know this, most of you don't, but I have struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food for as long as I can remember. I have no exact reasoning behind it. I grew up with the MOST AMAZING family with a mom who always made dinner for us. No, it wasn't salad every night, but her meals were nutritious and so good. The thing is, I got chubby and then overweight, and then (according to BMIs) obese. It could be a slow metabolism, maybe a thyroid thing, but I've never gotten bloodwork done about it, so I'm not sure. I grew up playing softball, tennis, lacrosse, and I swam. I was never an amazing athlete, but I wasn't awful. All I know is that I never looked like my friends, the majority of whom were tall and thin. I don't remember a time where I felt comfortable in shorts or a swimsuit. In high school, I distinctly remember a guy tell me in the cafeteria that I should "go take some diet pills or something".  I was 16 years old.

When I got to college, it didn't get better. I went to a school known for having beautiful, skinny girls with credit cards with no limits. I will never, ever regret the time I spent there (I still consider it home), but I became a product of my environment. I was obsessed with how I looked, what I wore, etc. I'd eat healthy (healthy-ish) in front of my friends, then I would drive to a suburb about 30 minutes from campus and binge-eat Zaxby's because for some reason, it made me feel better.

After I moved to Houston, my weight continued to increase. I ate whatever, I worked out rarely. Every now and then, I'd start some crazy diet, lose a few lbs and then get back into my old habits. I put up with a lot of really bad relationships because I was grateful that somebody wanted to date me when I barely wanted to look in the mirror. This past January, I decided I was tired of feeling that way. I was tired of feeling tired and sluggish. I was tired of my stomach always hurting. I was tired of getting migraines. I was tired of going shopping and never wanting to try stuff on because I didn't think it'd fit and I was embarrassed to ask for a bigger size. So, I did something about it.

I'm not going to tell you it was, or is, easy. That I wake up every day and juice some kale and smile like some weird commercial. Or that I put my shoes on every morning, ready for my workout. That's not true. It's hard. I have worked my butt off to get my Masters and I'm working on my Doctorate and it a'int easy...but this, this daily battle I have found myself in, is the hardest work I've ever done. There are days that I don't win. There are days when I drive up to the Zaxby's in Cypress, eat this massive meal, and cry the entire way home. There are days when I eat to the point of getting physically ill and then I feel better, as if pushing my body so far that I get sick means the calories are simply erased. But, more often than not, there are days where I scramble up some egg whites with arugula and drink coffee on my balcony. There are days where I do a quick, 30-minute workout (see my last post!!!) and then even have some time to go to my favorite kickboxing class at the gym. There are days when my wonderful, sweet boyfriend makes me Chicken Tikka Masala and gets whole-wheat naan because he knows how important this is to me. It's funny because those are the days that I feel the happiest. Those are the days that I sleep better. Those are the days that I am a better nurse, better friend, better sister, better girlfriend, better daughter. Taking care of myself lets me take care of the people (and patients!!) that I love.

So, if you are reading this and think no one else knows what it feels like to feel fat, looked down on, weak, sad, tired, frustrated, defeated, or depressed, you're wrong. I've been there and sometimes I still am there. Every day, you have opportunity to treat your body well. Make small changes, then make bigger ones. No one else is going to do this for you. You owe it yourself to feel happy and beautiful <3

Happy Holidays

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself..

I'm the absolute worst at this consistent blogger thing. Between starting my doctoral program, working, and trying to maintain some level of fun-this blog kinda took a backseat. As did my eating healthy and working out on a regular basis. In mid-October, I was down 65 pounds from January! Starting December, I had gained about 15lbs of that back. I could blame school or work or the fact that I live in a town with some of the most amazing restaurants I've ever been to. But really, it's because I got a little lazy. I slipped back into some old habits and could feel my body getting sluggish and missing how good I had been to it earlier this year.

Enter my girl Autumn Calabrese. You may have heard of her, you may have not. She is a Beachbody celebrity trainer (and former EQX trainer....gotta keep it in the family!) who created 21 Day Fix. I credit her for about 80% of my success on this journey. When people ask me how I've lost the weight, 21 Day Fix is what I tell them. Yes, I did work out with an amazing trainer and still take group fitness classes along with Autumn's workouts, but I wholeheartedly believe, and she taught me this, you can't out-work out a bad diet. For me, what works is following the 21DF meal plan based on clean eating and a lot of really wonderful foods.

So, on Monday, I re-committed to this whole "be good to yourself" thing. I have about 40 more pounds to say goodbye to and needed a way to get there that I know works. Autumn started a challenge group to complete all 4 of her Beachbody programs (21DF, Chisel, 21DF Extreme, and Country Heat) all in a row. Every day for the next 3 and a half months, I'll carve out 30-40 minutes of my day to do the daily workout. I'll eat the meals that I plan and prep. I have spreadsheets and a new planner just for planning my food and workouts (I know, I'm weird). I have 28,000 (yup!!!!!) other people motivating me on Facebook as we go through this journey together. So, if you see me at work measuring out my food in these crazy, little containers or limping down the hallway because #LegDay,  it's all good. I have found such happiness and confidence in building the best version of myself. There is nothing better than pushing yourself and seeing what you are capable of.

If you are reading this and you want to know more about 21 Day Fix or meal planning, please let me know. I'd love to help any way I can :)

Here are some dope recipes I've made this week:

21 DF Beef and Broccoli (I added half a red onion to this, left out a cup of peas, and no's so good)
21 DF Cheeseburger Skillet (This is AMAZING and SO easy...I added some diced bell peppers for more vegetables)
Bananas Foster Overnight Oats (My go-to workday breakfast....prep a few, keep them in the fridge, grab one and roll on out the door)

Sending you lots of love and thank you for all the support,


Friday, July 22, 2016

Thai Chicken Meatballs and My Awkward Interaction With the Meat Guy

What up, y'all?

I'd like to think that at some point in my life, I'll outgrow my ability to occasionally be super awkward. At almost 26.5 years of age, I'm not sure it's happening soon. Case in point: I found a recipe from my new favorite food blog ("The Garlic Diaries") and went to my local grocery store to get the ingreds. I head to the meat department where I ask the young man behind the counter for a pound of ground chicken. At this point, I should have just stayed quiet or re-watched Kim's Snapchat story (I'll always love ya, Tay...but dang, girl). Instead I made that b**** famous small talk:

Me: "It's weird, I didn't even know ground chicken was a thing"
Meat Guy (his superhero name): "Yeah"
Me: (SHANNON, LEARN TO HUSH): "Yeah, haha, I guess you could grind up anything you want and sell it and we wouldn't even know.
Meat Guy: *Blank stare*

I'm blaming "Criminal Minds" for my ability to turn what would be a horrific crime into casual conversation.

Anyways, yes, ground chicken is a thing and if you like Thai food (and who doesn't?? My roommate it turns out :/) you'll love these little bad boys.

It's "21 Day Fix" approved and you know that ish is my jam.

Chicken Meatballs with Thai Coconut Curry Sauce (From "The Garlic Diaries")

Serves: 4 (4 meatballs per serving...and btw 1 red, 1 blue, 1/4 yellow, and 1/2 teaspoon for my 21 Day Fix babies)

(Hahahaha, it makes me laugh how bad my food pics are. Hey, it's taken on an iPhone, and I was hungry, and honestly I don't give a hoot)


1lb of ground chicken
1 egg
1/2 cup whole-wheat panko
1 teaspoon salt
Some black pepper
2 teaspoons fresh, grated ginger
1 clove garlic, grated
3 green onions (the green and white parts)
1 tablespoon red curry paste
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup chicken stock (I got a low-sodium kind)
1/4 cup unsweetened original almond milk
2 teaspoons olive oil


1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Mush the chicken, egg, salt, pepper, and panko all together
3. Make meatballs outta that mixture (For 21DF purposes, I made 16 since 4 is one serving). Bake them for ten minutes, take them out and flip 'em around, and then bake for 5 more minutes.
4. Heat the olive oil in a skillet
5. Add the garlic, onions, and ginger and cook them for a few minutes
6. Add the curry paste and mix it all up
7. Add the coconut milk and chicken stock and stir
8. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Stir it every so often until it thickens
9.Turn off the heat and add the almond milk
10. Season with salt and pepper, if needed
11. Add the meatballs and stir them around so they get saucy
12. Chop some basil and toss it on the meatballs

SO GOOOOOOOD. Enjoy, homies.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Toss Back Tuesday (It's a Thing, Trust Me)

One of my favorite things about blogging is that, in some ways, it is my own little virtual diary that won't get lost in the back of my closet or accidentally thrown away during a move. When I'm feeling reflective (basically, always), I like to look back at my blog from college/grad school and see what I was doing at this time that year. I can close my eyes and remember exactly what that night Rachel and I snagged last minute 3rd row seats to Goo Goo Dolls sounded like, what that Turkey Rockefeller from Cafe CoCo tasted like, what packing up my room on Belmont and leaving Nashville felt like. It all comes rushing back.

This week marks two years that I have lived in Houston. To say that these two years have been hard and complicated and confusing and scary would be a little bit of an understatement. To say that they have been wild and unpredictable and filled with amazing friendships and the privilege of witnessing miracles every time I go to work would be an understatement too :) I wrote the following post after I had lived in my apartment for about two weeks. I had no idea what was to come, and even though there are things I wish I could forget, if I had to do it over again, I'm not sure I'd change anything.

Enjoy :)
May 25, 2014

Hey there.

I read a quote the other day and the very end of it has sort of been replaying in my mind ever since I saw it."I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive".  I like that. The risk of it all. The unabashedness (not a word?) of putting yourself completely out there. Handing over your whole heart for something or someone you believe in may be foolish, but I think it's even more so to hold it back for fear of it being too difficult or scary. I would rather be 98 and look back on all the risks I took and be a little embarrassed or bruised than full of regrets and my least favorite question ever: "What if"?

It's been almost a year and a half since I last blogged. So, you know, stuff has happened. EEEEEEK. I've moved to Texas and am living alone for the first time ever. It's the weirdest combination of feeling completely independent and sort of like a kid at camp. Today, I made chocolate chip cookies and listened to Jay Z's "The Black Album" as loud as my record player would play it and nobody was there to tell me to stop rapping while baking because I was bound to misread 3 and 1/4 cup of flour as just 1/4 cup of flour (a la the pumpkin bread incident of 2010. #NeverForget)

I think there is something to be learned from living alone. I guess it's not for everyone, but having my own bathroom is worth it (No offense Kelli/G5/Lup3/Brooke, Ari, Ris/Jess). And my own kitchen. I love decorating (I get it from my mama and sister) and putting together my own place with my own style makes my heart happy. I think it's important to be comfortable just being on your own...sitting on your own couch, drinking your own wine, watching whatever you want on TV (sup, current "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" marathon). Lately, I've remembered that depending on someone else to make you happy is a really easy way to end up sort of miserable. So, I get to bake, and buy pretty flowers, and explore my new town and I'm so very happy. And for me, happy needs a soundtrack (but not that damn Pharrell song, because if I hear it ONE MORE TIME.....)

Here are some songs I'm jamming to:

"All of Me"-John Legend. Ugh, Chrissy is a lucky girl. This song is the kind of messy, imperfect love that I find completely perfect.

"Talk Dirty"-Jason Derulo feat. 2 Chainz. Such a fun sound. It's cheesy and dumb, but man, is it great to turn up really loud.

"Dani California"-Red Hot Chili Peppers. Reminds me of being 16 and riding to school in a Mustang convertible with one of my favorite people ever.

"I Choose You"- Sara Bareilles. "This is a beautiful start to a lifelong love letter"... makes me smile every time.

"Sing"-Ed Sheeran. Do you think I can realistically convince people we are related? He is the coolest. This song makes me want to dance around.

"Fancy"-Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX. I blame Jimmy Fallon for this obsession.

"XO"- John Mayer. Combining two of my favorite things: acoustic guitar and Queen Bey. I love when an artist can make a cover absolutely their own. JM totally does that so well- also see "Free Fallin" and "I'm on Fire" (a Springsteen cover that gives me chills every time I hear it)

Okay. I get to go do
xo, s

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Don't Make Me Prove That I Can Rap and Run At The Same Time

Hey, what's up, hello!

It's been a minute. Let's skip the pleasantries and get down to business.

In college, I was the girl who had a playlist for everything. Finals, pregames, parties, pre-pregames, driving home for holidays, breakups, crushes on the cute guy that worked at the coffee shop in Commons (who, I think, is my Facebook friend and is now married with a kid, so if you're reading this, hope all is well!), shower before bed, shower before going out (not kidding). While any of my friends could tell you that I am the queen of a tragically sad playlist (a CD entitled "November 2011" is some of my best work), I also love throwing together music to party. I haven't been in charge of a pregame playlist in a few years, so more recently I've been making ones for running or lifting on my own in the gym (#gainz).

SIDE NOTE THAT IS COMPLETELY RELEVANT: Khloe Kardashian and I are workout music soul sisters. Look, I have proof. Did I text this to like 30 people and lose my mind and patiently wait for her to message me and ask to hang out the next time she was in HTown visiting James Harden? All together now: "Yesssss".
Anyways, here are my top ten "get off the couch and move it" jams of the moment. Some are older, some are recent, but they are probably all explicit in some nature. It is what it is:

1. "Formation"-Beyonce (I SLAY I SLAY I SLAY)
2. "Cool for the Summer"-Demi Lovato
3. "Good for You"-Selena Gomez (feat A$AP Rocky)
4. "Do It Again"-Pia Mia (feat Tyga and Chris Brown)
5. "Change Your Life"-Iggy Azalea (feat TI)
6. "'03 Bonnie and Clyde"-Jay Z and Beyonce
7. "Jealous"- Nick Jonas (feat Tinashe)
8.  "Big Pimpin'"- Jay Z (if you give me 1.75 margaritas, I'll rap every single word of this for you. Just putting an offer on the table. I know, I'm so generous)
9. "Push It"- Salt N Pepa (I saw this song live last week. Magic. It's also on my "Birth" playlist, but that's for another day)
10. "I'm On A Boat"- Lonely Island (literally one of my favorite songs ever. Makes me flashback hard to freshman year of college)

This is a really explicit playlist, now that I'm looking at it. If that kinda music isn't your scene, you'll hate this. Sorry. If you need a lot of bass and people rapping loudly at you to work out, you'll love it. I can't make everyone happy, I'm not queso.

Love and hip-hop, y'all


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Quinoa Enchilada Casserole

My favorite kind of meals are the kind that I can reheat for days and days. I think this is not only one of my most made meals, but it's also freaking delicious. It's the reason I love quinoa. Side note: it took me an embarrassingly long time to be able to pronounce 'quinoa'. Sometimes, if I'm at some super hipster restaurant and I order it, I still am a little self-conscious I'm messing it up. "Keen-wahhhh", y'all. Don't even get me started on "acai". 

Anyways, if you get lazy like me and need a meal that you can heat up later and it's gonna be the bomb, here you go. Cheesy and yummy. Shout-out to Carolina for seeing me eat this practically weekly at the hospital and asking for the recipe :) She's the real MVP for letting me train her to the wild world of OB nursing, y'all.

 Quinoa Enchilada Casserole

Serves 6
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 1 (10-ounce) can mild enchilada sauce (I like making my own! Try dis one )
  • 1 (4.5-ounce) can chopped green chiles , drained
  • 1/2 cup corn kernels, frozen, canned or roasted
  • 1/2 cup canned black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided
  • 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
  • 1 avocado, halved, seeded, peeled and diced
  • 1 Roma tomato, diced
  • In a large saucepan of 2 cups water, cook quinoa according to package instructions; set aside.

  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly oil an 8x8 or 2 quart baking dish or coat with nonstick spray.

  • In a large bowl, combine quinoa, enchilada sauce, green chiles, corn, black beans, cilantro, cumin and chili powder; season with salt and pepper, to taste. Stir in 1/2 cup cheddar cheese and 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese.

  • Spread quinoa mixture into the prepared baking dish. Top with remaining cheeses. Place into oven and bake until bubbly and cheeses have melted, about 15 minutes.

  • Serve immediately, garnished with avocado and tomato. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Barbecue Salmon and Garlic Sautéed Spinach

My favorite meal at any restaurant ever is barbecue salmon from Capers in Kennesaw, Georgia. My family has been going there for over ten years and nine times out of ten, the salmon is what I order. Ten times out of ten, my mother orders the grouper salad with the sauce on the side and ten times out of ten, my dad comments that she needs to branch out. They are adorable.

Capers serves the salmon with creamed corn and wasabi mashed potatoes that make me so happy and take me back to my 18th birthday surprise party, senior year homecoming, senior superlative luncheon, my dad's company holiday parties (all of these were spent with Capers food). When I'm 12 hours away from getting that feeling, I make my own, clean version. It ain't Chef Steven's salmon, but it'll do :)

Barbecue Salmon (Recipe by Louisa Clements)

  • 1 lb salmon fillet, skin on
  • 1 cup ketchup
  • ¼ cup molasses
  • ⅓ cup worcestershire sauce
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1½ tbsp chili powder
  • 2 tbsp sweet paprika
  • ½ tsp cumin
  • ¼ tsp cayenne
  • ⅛ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  1. In a small saucepan, bring all ingredients except the salmon to a boil. Turn down heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from stove and allow to cool (Try to have some self-control and not eat this with a spoon....I didn't).
  2. Cover salmon with ¼ cup of the sauce, and allow to marinate in the fridge for 1-2 hours.
  3. Preheat the grill to medium-low heat.
  4. Place salmon, skin side down on the hot grill, cook for 10-12 minutes without moving the salmon. The skin on the under side of the salmon will burn - but we want that. Once the salmon is done cooking on one side, and the skin is blackened, carefully flip it over and cook for another 3-5 minutes, or until fully cooked. Remove from grill, and allow to cool before peeling off burned skin. It should come off easily, and underneath will be the salmon fillet perfectly cooked.

***You can also bake these little friends at 475 for about 12 minutes. Don't you overcook this. Overcooked salmon is the actual worst.

This barbecue sauce is bae. You'll have leftovers. You can baste the cooked salmon with some more before you serve it. You can make some chicken and use the sauce with it. You can dip any chip-like vehicle you can find in your pantry in it. You can lick out of the pan. I will never judge you for this.

Serve this with whatever yum BBQ sides you want! If you wanna keep it healthy as hell, try this bomb recipe for garlic sautéed spinach. I am in love with it. I'm basically Popeye. 


1 1/2 pounds baby spinach leaves

2 tablespoons good olive oil

2 tablespoons chopped garlic (6 cloves)

2 teaspoons kosher salt

3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


Sea or kosher salt, optional

1. Rinse the spinach to make sure it's clean and then pat it or spin it dry
2. In a big ol' pot, heat the olive oil and then saute the garlic over medium heat for about 1 minute, but don't let it get browned.
3. Add the spinach, salt, and pepper and toss with the garlic and oil.
4. Cover the pot and cook for two minutes.
5. Uncover and cook for another minute, stirring with a wooden spoon until the spinach is all wilted.
6. Using a slotted spoon, lift the spinach to a serving bowl and top with a squeeze of lemon and a little sea salt.

Enjoy, homies.


Monday, March 7, 2016

My Gym Bag Is Actually a Diaper Bag and I Don't Care

Sup? Hope everyone's Monday was tolerable. Today, I want to share with y'all what I consider to be my workout essentials/what I toss in my massive bag and run out the door because I'm going to be late and maybe I'll need extra socks or a toothbrush or a dress because what if that super cute guy working out next to me is all "Hey, wanna grab a drink after this?" to which I'd clearly say "Fo sho".

I digress. Here are some things I can't leave home without when I hit the gym:

1. The bag itself. It is truly a diaper bag. A Marc by Marc Jacobs diaper bag, so at least it's got that going for it. They really have some similarities.  The liner is wipeable and I find this to be key for tossing in sweaty clothes or IDK, bottles? Lots of pockets for my post-workout makeup needs or baby toys. Whatever, I dig it. Find a bag big enough for what you'll need and one that you like to wear because you better be using it a lot.
2. Face wipes. These are crucial. I never remember to take off my makeup before I work out. Don't worry, I find it to be a character flaw too. Love these bad boys by Jessica Alba's Honest line.
3. Headphones. For days when I'm not working with my trainer, these are necessary. I like my headphones obnoxiously large and I've had these ones for years (true story: I bought them with change that I sorted from my dad's car. Bose headphones. From change in a glove box. Who says I'm not frugal?). Ideal for situations where you want to pretend that you're listening to the TV with CNN on it, but you're really watching Kim and Khloe have an intervention for Rob.
4. A good lotion. I shower at my gym and a good post-shower lotion sesh (sounds kinda dirty when I word it like that...but #YOLO... you only lotion once...just roll with it) is key. My skin gets really dry, so this is my favorite to keep it soft as a baby. Take care of your skin, please.
5. Heart Rate Monitor. This thing changed my workout game. It helps me see exactly how many calories I'm burning as well as see what kind of workouts help build endurance versus build muscle. I highly recommend getting one if you are serious about getting your fitness on.
6. A snack!!! Girl's gotta eat, ya dig? I usually keep it simple with a protein shake, but sometimes a good apple or banana with some almond butter is exactly what I'm craving. I also found a square of Ghiradelli dark chocolate in my gym bag, but hush, nobody's perfect.

Those are just some of my basics. Water is a duh. Also, flip flops for the shower because my mother raised a lady. People who don't wear any make me uneasy. I don't trust anyone like that.

What are some of y'all's gym necessities??



Monday, February 29, 2016

Taco Stuffed Potatoes

"You know I try, but I don't do too well with apologies...."

Okay, yes, that is a J Biebs lyric (relevant: can we all agree that we love him now? Like you can't even pretend you don't sing along) but it's because seriously, I'm wondering if it's too late to say sorry for not finding and making this beautiful meal before. TACO STUFFED POTATOES HAVE KINDA CHANGED MY LIFE AND MY FEELINGS AND MY COLD HEART NOW BEATS TO THE RHYTHM OF SWEET POTATOES SIZZLING IN THE OVEN.

Please make these. Convince someone you love to try sweet potatoes like this: stuffed with turkey, corn, (fat-free) refried beans, and cheese. The flavor and spices literally can't stop, won't stop. I'll take "thank you's" in the form of cases of La Croix in lemon or lime. Seriously, I'm running low and they are heavy.

Taco Stuffed Potatoes (from "The Seasoned Mom")

Prep time:  
Cook time:  
Total time:  
Serves: 4
  • 1 lb. ground turkey or lean ground beef
  • 8 oz. (or about ¾ cup) non-fat refried beans
  • 1 cup corn kernels (fresh, frozen, or canned will all work)
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced
  • 2 tablespoons taco seasoning (I make my own so I know exactly what I'm eating, but throw what ya know)
  • 4 medium sweet potatoes (or you can substitute with russet potatoes or a combination of both if you are cooking for animals and they don't like sweet potatoes)
  • ½ cup reduced-fat cheddar cheese
  • Optional: sliced green onion for serving
  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil and spray with cooking spray.
  2. Scrub the outside of the potatoes until they are clean, and prick each potato with a fork a few times to allow steam to escape during cooking.
  3. Place sweet potatoes on a microwave-safe plate and microwave 2 at a time for approximately 5-10 minutes, or until tender. Let cool for 5 minutes. (Or, use your super dope potato blanket for the microwave.. hehehehe)
  4. Meanwhile, brown onion and ground meat in a large skillet over medium heat. Drain and return to skillet. Add the taco seasoning, corn, and refried beans to the meat mixture and stir to combine (You're gonna need a bigger skillet than you me and the onions I'm finding all over my floor).
  5. Cut sweet potatoes in half lengthwise. Scoop the inside of the potato out of the peel, leaving a thin layer of potato inside. Set aside the scoopies that you just scooped and use them for a separate meal (LIKE MASHED SWEET POTATOES OR PIEEEEEE)
  6. Spray the potato skins with cooking spray, place on the baking sheet, and bake for about 5-7 minutes (or until outsides are slightly crispy).
  7. Remove potato skins from the oven and stuff with meat mixture. Top with some salsa if you want and sprinkle cheese evenly over top.
  8. Turn oven to “broil.” Place the stuffed potatoes under the broiler for 2-3 minutes, or until cheese is melted and golden brown.
  9. Garnish with green onions.
  10. Cry because you can't believe how filling and wonderful this is.

I ate one half of a potato with some green beans tonight (mostly because I'm sure I ate the other half of the intended serving size while I was scooping the mix into my mouth the potatoes). I'm full and happy and believe in love again.

These are that good. If you are feeling wild, I suppose you could leave out the turkey and add more beans. Or add black beans. Or use ground beef. Or add some avocado. LITERALLY ALL THE OPTIONS. 

Tex-Mex love,


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Roasted Sausage and Vegetables

You know those people that when you walk into work and see them, you know it's gonna be a good day? It'll probably be crazy and you'll have 1-3 stat sections, 42.5 triages, and like 2 face presentations and you're gonna have to call Main Anesthesia 16 times and beg that guy to send someone for an epidural, but that person is there with you and you'll survive? (That was a lot of labor drama for you non-birth peeps, but it's equivalent to the stock market doing something wiggity-wack or your entire class of 5-year-olds eating live goldfish, trust me). Anyways, my dearest Crystal is one of those people for me. I'm thankful for her friendship and her awesome nurse skills, but I'm also super thankful she gave me the following recipe because it is DELICIOUS and the leftovers are quick to heat up in between trips to the OR. Believe dat.

This is paleo and gluten-free and depending on how cray your vegetable game is, can be so so so healthy and filling. Enjoy, babies.

Roasted Veggies and Sausage (adapted from Paleo Newbie)
(Serves 4-6, apparently. I could knock this bad boy out in 3 servings. #WhatIsSelfControl??)

  • 1 package (or about 1 lb) of your favorite pre-cooked sausage links – cut into 1-inch long sections (I use whatever is the "healthiest"...I go for organic and with the least amount of fillers...if I could make my own without being wildly grossed out, I would)
  • 2 potatoes (Sweet potatoes 4 life...or some fun red ones) cut into 2-inch chunks
  • 2 medium-size carrots, chopped into small rounds (Just an FYI, I DESPISE cooked carrots in every context except for this one)
  • 1 red pepper, cut into large slices
  • 1/2 red onion, peeled and cut into large slices
  • 3 cloves of minced or pressed garlic
  • 2 tbs of olive oil
  • 1 1/2 tbs of Italian seasoning
  • A healthy pinch of red pepper flakes
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Plus any additional seasonings you desire (go crazy)
  1. Preheat oven to 375-degrees F
  2. In a large mixing bowl, add all sliced veggies, garlic and cut sausage links
  3. Next add olive oil and toss everything to coat
  4. Sprinkle in all seasonings and mix again to distribute
  5. Now grease or line with aluminum foil a large-rimmed baking sheet
  6. Spread out the veggies and sausage across the baking sheet
  7. Place uncovered in oven
  8. Bake a total of 35 to 45 minutes, turning veggies and sausage twice during cooking. (Oven temperatures and times will vary...I like my veggies borderline burnt, but you do you)
  9. Test doneness by checking the sweet potatoes – if they're soft, it's done (and if you can't stop eating them after that test bite, they are done and you are my soul twin)
  10. Serve hot and enjoy!